By Christopher Tester - British Male VoiceOver Artist

You're wasting your life in screen-time 😨

That's one of my greatest fears.

Almost every aspect of my working life involves the internet.
But even when the working day is done, I know where my phone is at all times.

That little screen that offers just one more update,
one more like or news item 😳

I'm aware of how the internet has changed my life for the better.
I couldn't do what I do or meet the people I've met without it.
My life would be profoundly different, almost certainly poorer.

But keeping a healthy relationship with it is a constant battle.

The below video, all about this subject, is currently doing some numbers on Tiktok, and it's interesting to see why. So many comments on a social media post are from people lamenting their addiction to a social media app.

And now I've opened a different app to share the observation here!

- I've set timers on my apps.
- I monitor screentime.
- I have a no phone rule from 9pm onwards.

How do you maintain a healthy relationship with the internet?